Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Knowing Your Customer

One of the hardest things to do in software is to really understand what your customer wants. Most software engineers make the mistake of assuming that what they like is what the customer will like. While this is often the case it is often not the case as well.

You can probably make the assumption that if you don't like something that some customers won't like it either. You can also assume that if you like something that some customers will also like it. However, whether this is a large or small percentage is hard to tell without spending some time researching the problem.

Another thing to keep in mind that many very creative people are terribly disorganized. Engineers like to have nicely orthogonal solutions. Everything lines up nicely and is consistent. The problem is the world isn't this way. It is often haphazard, disorganized, inconsistent etc. Creative people can often be difficult to deal with and make conceptual leaps that don't make any logical sense.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don't get me wrong. Consistency is often a very good thing as it tends to simplify the learning process. But on the other hand it may get in the way of efficiently doing your job.

My brother runs a support group and one of the things he focuses on is an accurate statement of the problem. An accurate problem statement is key. It's as obvious as the nose on your face that if you solve the wrong problem the customer won't be happy. So you must first understand the problem.

Here we get into requirements gathering. If you state a problem incorrectly you will not be able to produce an accurate set of requirements. If you think about it a little you will realize that requirements are simply another way of expressing a problem. Rather than stating what isn't happening, the problem, you are stating what should happen, the requirements.

A single problem may result in multiple requirements. And a single requirement may partially or totally solve many problems.

Once you know what your customer wants, you aren't really done yet. Let's take a simple example. When working with CAD there are quite a few large format paper sizes. For example Arch A, B, C, D and E. D is very commonly used. So if you talked to several customers you might come to the conclusion that you only need to support D. Or if you are having a particularly lucid moment, you might say that we should support all these sizes.

You would be wrong. The fact is that there is also an ANSI set of paper sizes. An ISO set of sizes and a variety of others. You will not find out about these by talking to your customers. You must become an expert in paper sizes in order to design a system that will work well for pretty much any customer.

The point is that when you start working on software you need to know more about the topic you are working on than most of your customers. When you do this you will be able to write software that not only does what you customer asked for, but also does what your customer doesn't know they need yet.

Now you are probably saying that you don't have time to do all this research. The problem is that if you don't do the research, you will be revisiting your design later. The less you know about a problem the more likely it is that your design will require significant rework. For anyone that has maintained legacy code, you will realize that not only will you need to make things work write, you will also need to make sure that the way it did work is still supported or at least provide a migration path.

The redesign may take as much time as the original and the migration path will probably be more work on top of that. If it took you a week to do the original project and a week or so to do the rework plus half a week doing research to figure out what you should have done then spending half a week doing the research to begin with and not having to do the rework will save you at least a week later on.

If on the other hand you fail to do the research the second time you are likely to repeat the process several times until you get it right. Each time incurring additional overhead to support all of those legacy migration paths. Eventually, you will have spent at least a week in the school of hard knocks learning about why your original design was wrong.

Not only that, you will suffer from less commercial success because the customers aren't happy with what you provided them.

So bottom line talk to your customers. Really understand what they want and how they want to do it. Read about what they do from whatever sources you can obtain or get training from others. Perhaps even a course at your local college would be in order. In any case, when you get done with all of this you should be in a position to not only know what and how your customers work, but also be able to teach them a thing or two as well.

Nothing makes a customer happier than having a solution that anticipates their needs. Nothing frustrates a customer more than having to jump through hoops to do very common tasks.

So, know your customer better than they know themselves and you will never fail to produce top quality solutions.

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