Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ooh! Shiny Thing

Over the years I have seen a lot of new technology come and go. Some of it sticks, some of it was just a bad idea. The problem is that often we as software engineers tend to get excited about some new bit of technology or a design pattern etc. This is the "Ooh! Shiny Thing" syndrome that many of us share.

While I'm a fan of new technology, it is a double edged sword. What tends to happen is that some new technology is used in one place in the code but other places that were using and older technology don't get updated. Now there are two ways of doing the same thing. Then someone else comes along and uses a third technology for the same task.

Maintaining a code base having several ways of doing the exact same thing means that you need to learn each method. While not a bad thing to learn, it takes time. Time devoted to maintenance can be costly. Given that pretty much any technology will have bugs, you are also taking on that problem as well.

Over the years I've found that the shininess tends to wear off of new technology pretty fast.

Use new technology, but be careful when doing so. In an ideal world the new technology should replace the existing technology that does the same thing. But only after it has been proven to be reliable and viable for the future.

One of your best gauges is the old-guy. Sure he may be old and set in his ways, but there are good reasons for this. It isn't that he can't learn new things. Certainly as we age it is more difficult to learn new stuff. Of course there are some that are unwilling to learn anything new. You should ignore them.

The ones you want to use as a gauge are those that are continually learning new stuff. Look at what they are learning. Let them know about what you are interested in. They may have some insight that say's it's good or bad. Take that input and use it to make a more informed decision.

Recently I've invested quite a bit of time learning stuff out of the boost library. Some of it is very good. For example shared_ptr is so essential that it has been pulled into the next C++ standard.

Other things are less compelling. Some of them while nice in theory will put a world of hurt on your compiler. For example boost::format while a really nice way of doing type safe formatting in a printf sort of way will produce a very large amount of template code. In many cases the much more lightweight stringstream is just as readable.

This isn't to say that you shouldn't use it, but what appears nice on the surface can have some very serious side-effects that are not at all apparent.

Another easy to abuse boost function is bind. In some cases it can make C++ into a write only language. Once you get a bit beyond the simple syntax to bind a function into a std::for_each the code can become almost unreadable and also is also susceptible to errors such as passing by value instead of by reference.

I'm sure that you can look at your own code base and find similar cases where someone was overly clever.

Just because it can be done doesn't mean it should.

Be careful with your new technology. Before you use new technology make sure the rest of your team is OK with it. Getting their buy-in is important and the act of doing so may change your mind about the viability of the technology.

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