Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Evolution and Software Engineering, "Survival of the Fittest Code"

The theory of evolution, as postulated by Charles Darwin, and further extended by Herbert Spencer, who coined the term "Survival of the Fittest" has an interesting parallel in software development.

Anyone who has worked on any code base for an extended period of time knows that some code is in a constant state of flux. Often that same code is where most of the defects occur as well. At the same time there is code that almost never changes.

In software development methods a lot of emphasis is place on things such as code reviews, design patterns, requirements, testing and many other concepts that are supposed to create good maintainable code that is relatively defect free. In practice these methods generally don't produce exceptionally better code.

I have seen a lot of well written, well designed code that is easy to read and maintain that is also in a state of flux. Usually this is only for a relatively short time, but sometimes things take a really long time jell no matter how much good design work was done up front.

I have also seen a lot of poorly written, badly designed code that is hard to read and difficult to maintain that hardly ever changes. And in many cases this code is core to the survival of the software program.

Often very good programers who take a look at the code label it as "bad code" because it is really hard to understand.

And to a large extent they are correct.

The problem is, it works, it does the job well, it's bullet proof, not by design, but because over time it evolved through many fixes to the point that it works really well.

This code survives. Often much longer than really well written code.

In the end who is to say that ugly code is bad code. Sure it may be hard to maintain, but if it does the job it was designed to do and doesn't require much or any maintenance then maybe it really is good code.

Now I'm not advocating that we write ugly code. However, this points out that the ultimate measure of good software is that it does what it was designed to do.

When we write code we should strive to make it maintainable and readable by others, but in the end if it doesn't do what it is supposed to do it is garbage that will get thrown away or refactored to do the job.

Another concept that "Survival of the Fittest Code" encompasses is that code evolves over time. In other words creating good software can be achieved by constant fixing and massaging of the code until the customer is happy with it. The fewer iterations to achieve this the more successful we will be.

Traditionally we call this the "Test and Fix" paradigm of software development.

When we look at DNA we find that a random or planned breeding produces results that are possibly good and possibly bad. The customer is the environment that the offspring has to live in. If the environment is really harsh to the offspring it may die before it reproduces. If on the other hand the environment is really easy for the offspring to survive in then it will thrive.

I have observed cases where an unintended "bug" became a useful "feature". In some cases this feature was unknown to the engineer and later on when they fixed the bug the customer gets really upset that the feature they were using is now gone.

This sort of interaction will more than likely result in the reinstatement of the feature. Since the engineer now knows about the use case of the customer they have the opportunity to evolve the software in another direction that the customer likes.

"Survival of the Fittest Code" can be an effective software development strategy.

In fact I believe it may be the single most effective software development strategy.

Just think how much more effective it could be if we combine it with just a little bit of planning and good coding habits.

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