Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blindly Following the Advice of Respected Writers

Over the last couple of weeks I have had two occasions where I found fatally flawed arguments in the writings of very respected writers in the C++ community.

In both cases my gut told me when I first read these things that they were wrong. In one case I and others took the advice and ran with it for several years only to be burned later on by what should have been obvious.

Case 1: In Scott Meyers book on Effective STL he gives the advice to use std::for_each for three reasons. He contends that it is faster, less prone to error and more readable. However, after using this advice and seeing how these things were implemented, especially in conjunction with the use of boost::bind or tr1::bind it is clear that all three arguments are simply wrong.

First it is not faster. If you analyze how an stl iterator translates into C++ code you find that iterators are in fact almost identical to the fastest possible hand coded C++ loop that you can write. In addition he contends that the implementors may not write the fastest possible iterators and then in almost the same breath he says that the implementors know more about their implementation than we do so they can write a faster for_each.

To which I say if they can’t write a fast iterator what makes you think they will write a faster for_each.

In analyzing the for_each implementations they are a thin wrapper over a for loop. But with a side effect. The side effect is that end() is called only once before the loop. Most of the time this isn’t an issue, but sometimes it is.

The second contention is that it is less prone to error. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. The syntax is harder to decipher and because of that it is very easy to create a functor that does extra copies and so in the end it is slower.

Finally he contends that it is more readable. Which in my experience is clearly false. Stuffing too much information on one line is bad.


for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { temp[i] = b[i]; b[i] = a[i]; a[i] = temp[i]; }


for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
temp[i] = b[i];
b[i] = a[i];
a[i] = temp[i];

Which is easier to read. To me the second is the clear choice and most people I know would agree.

Stuffing this into a std::for_each would mean writing a functor, using something like lambda operators etc. However, the more obvious solution to making this more readable is to write a function.

So in the end in the light of day the analysis, my gut, and actual experience says that it is bad advice.

Case 2: In the book C++ Coding Standards the authors make the statement that you shouldn’t have a standard for the placement of things that don’t affect the readability of the code such as curly braces. The interesting thing is if you carefully read what they say they state that they have chosen a formatting for the book to enhance readability. Which on the surface should be enough to call into question their logic.

They also suggest that you be consistent and that you use the standard in the file you are in.

The problem is that if you work with a team of people in C++ you are often adding virtual functions to a class hierarchy, which may be a symptom of bad design, but is more often than not just part of extending the capability of the software. In doing this you will often be working across a class hierarchy that is maintained by more than one person.

This leads to a clear problem. Let’s say you are adding a virtual function. Do I write it like this:

bool T::supportsMyNewFeature() const {
return true;


bool T::supportsMyNewFeature() const
return true;

If one file uses one style of curly brace formatting and another the other then I’m constantly having to switch between styles depending on the file.

If I impose my style instead of using the team standard then files quickly become inconsistent and there is no file specific style so the only reasonable option is to default to the team standard.

If I use the team standard then files that don’t use the standard quickly become inconsistent and so the only reasonable option is to default back to the team standard.

If I use the team standard then there is no problem.

There are cases where imposing a team style may not be needed. Such as cases where one person is responsible for an entire module. While this works, generally over time that module will eventually be taken over by someone else or by several people who may not share you view on formatting. They either have to use your formatting or reformat to theirs or to the team standard.

Team standards make these decisions easier.

So back to the main point of this post. Don’t believe everything you read. The writers of these books are very smart people, but they do make mistakes. Some of them are obvious when you examine them. Others may not be so obvious and lead you down a path that leads to problems. When you realize you have been mislead it is time to let everyone know and change how you do things.

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